Sunday, September 21, 2014

Wind Energy Is Killing More Than Carbon Emission's: Bird Fatalities

It's difficult to imagine something as elegant and "harmless" as a windmill could be accounting for so much spilled blood, but according to the 2014 State of Birds Report, windmills are predators, and birds should beware. 
This is not the first time I have pondered the circle of life for our feathery friends (Avian Morbid Recluse), but it is the first time I have found well supported answers on where they dig their graves. According to this chart, birds lay victim to humans in a multitude of ways.

This bird massacre is getting out of hand, even cats (owned by humans) are partaking in this slaughter frenzy.
It pains me to see media coverage on these incidents, and stinging statement such "the wind energy industry has occasionally been at odds with conservation groups because of bird deaths" especially because there are bigger birds to fry on the avian hit list. Partially outlined in a previous post of mine (Climate Change: Retire Your Binoculars), a factor not accounted for in this chart is the fatality count for birds lost to the effects of climate change. This is unfortunate, because when the body count from these incidents above are summed, they are laughable in the face of the dangers presented by our changing climate.
But enough of that rant, I am sure you have heard enough climate change action from the media lately, and while the most effective method for saving the birds may be a reversal of this climate conundrum, many of the causes of death above are unfortunately unforeseeable and irreversible. I would have never considered many of the columns to be significant threats to the birds right to life. Who would have thought building windows would be so effective in bird population control?

To be continued...

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